We formulate and prove a positive mass theorem for n-dimensional spin manifolds whose metrics have only the Sobolev regularity C 0 ∩ W 1,n loc . At this level of regularity, the curvature of the metric is defined in the distributional sense only, and we propose here a (generalized) notion of ADM mass for such a metric. Our main theorem establishes that if the manifold is asymptotically flat and has non-negative scalar curvature distribution, then its (generalized) ADM mass is well-defined and non-negative, and vanishes only if the manifold is isometric to Euclidian space. Prior applications of Witten's spinor method by Lee and Parker and by Bartnik required the much stronger regularity W 2, p loc with p > n. Our proof is a generalization of Witten's arguments, in which we must treat the Dirac operator and its associated LichnerowiczWeitzenböck identity in the distributional sense and cope with certain averages of firstorder derivatives of the metric over annuli that approach infinity. Finally, we observe that our arguments are not specific to scalar curvature and also allow us to establish a "universal" positive mass theorem.