“…Examples include imageability (Benjafield et al, 1989;Gilhooly et al, 1980;Grandy, Lindenberger, & Schmiedek, 2020;Scott et al, 2018;Soares et al, 2017;Stration, Jacobus, & Brinley, 1975;Walker, 1970), context availability (Altarriba et al, 1999), body object interaction ratings (M. A. Alonso, Dıéz, Diez-Alamo, & Fernandez, 2018;Bennett, Burnett, Siakaluk, & Pexman, 2011;Pexman, Muraki, Sidhu, Siakaluk, & Yap, 2019;Tillotson, Siakaluk, & Pexman, 2008), motor content norms (Abella & González-Nosti, 2019), relative embodiment of verbs (Sidhu, Kwan, Pexman, & Siakaluk, 2014), graspability D R A F T ratings (Amsel, Urbach, & Kutas, 2012;Heard et al, 2019), manipulability (Medler, Arnoldussen, Binder, & Seidenberg, 2005;Moreno-Martıńez, Montoro, & Rodrıǵuez-Rojo, 2014), sensory experience ratings (Bonin, Méot, Ferrand, & Bugaıska, 2015;Dıéz-Álamo, Dıéz, Wojcik, Alonso, & Fernandez, 2018;Hinojosa, Rincón-Pérez, Romero-Ferreiro, Martıńez-Garcıá, Villalba-Garcıá, Montoro, & Pozo, 2016;Juhasz & Yap, 2013), iconicity ratings (Perry, Perlman, & Lupyan, 2015;Winter, Perlman, Perry, & Lupyan, 2017), mode of acquisition ratings (Della Rosa, Catricalà, Vigliocco, & Cappa, 2010), sensory modality specific concreteness ratings (Lynott & Connell, 2009;Lynott, Connell, Brysbaert, Brand, & Carney, 2019;Miklashevsky, 2018;Morucci, Bottini, & Crepaldi, 2019;Speed & Majid, 2017;Vergallito, Petilli, & Marelli, 2019), and ratings of which bodily effectors are used to interact with a word's referent…”