Experimental observations on toroidal discharges, with a thermionically electron emitting source, have established that discharge current depends upon the toroidal magnetic field. It is shown that discharge current saturates at a value of toroidal magnetic field that is much less than the surface value self-magnetic field of the filament. This paper presents a model for electron emission from a hot filament in the presence of an externally imposed toroidal field and electric field for acceleration. Particle trajectories in the vicinity of the filament with varying velocity components at different spatial locations and magnetic fields have been simulated. It is shown that escape or trapping of electrons emitted by the filament is strongly dependent on where the electron originated and its velocity. Consequently, escaping electrons responsible for ionization are inhomogeneously emitted. The degree of inhomogeneity is reduced as the magnetic field increases, leading to saturation. We have further examined the effect of reducing the filament diameter on the power requirement and operating toroidal magnetic field.