We obtain families of non-isotopic closed exact Lagrangian submanifolds in quasi-projective holomorphic symplectic manifolds that admit contracting C * -actions. We show that the Floer cohomologies of these Lagrangians are topological in nature, recovering the ordinary cohomologies of their intersection. Moreover, by using these Lagrangians and a version of Carrell-Goresky's integral decomposition theorem, we obtain degree-wise lower bounds on the symplectic cohomology of these spaces. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. On semiprojective varieties 8 3. Semiprojective Holomorphic Symplectic manifolds 14 4. Symplectic structures 22 5. Smooth core components 28 6. Symplectic Topology of minimal components 33 7. Applications towards symplectic cohomology 40 References 44