Experiments are conducted to investigate nucleate boiling of HFE-7100 liquid on 10 10 mm copper surfaces with corner pins that are 3 3 mm in cross section and 2-, 3-, and 5-mm tall. Heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux are compared for 0 (saturation), 10, 20, and 30 K subcooling at orientations from 0 to 180 deg. Thermal power removed in nucleate boiling at all orientations increases, partially due to the increase in surface area for boiling and the increased mixing by departing bubbles from the plane portion of the surface and sides of the pins. Increasing subcooling and pin height increases the thermal power removed and the temperature of the base surface. With 30 K subcooling, thermal power removed at critical heat flux from the copper surface with 5 mm pins at 0 deg is in excess of 93 W, decreasing to 86 W at 180 deg. The corresponding base temperature is 91 and 95 C, compared with the saturation temperature in the experiments of 54 C. Critical heat flux increases linearly with increased liquid subcooling, and the developed correlation, which accounts for the effects of liquid subcooling and surface orientation and area in contact with the boiling liquid, is within 10% of data.
A= footprint area, 1 cm 2 = area ratio, A t =A A t = total surface area, cm 2 C CHF;sat = saturation critical heat flux coefficient, Eq. (5) C sub = subcooling critical heat flux coefficient, Eq. (11) CHF = critical heat flux, W=cm 2 F sat = saturation critical heat flux coefficient, Eqs. (7a) and (8a-8d) F sub = ratio of subcooled boiling critical heat flux to saturation boiling critical heat flux, Eq. (9) g = acceleration of gravity, cm=s 2 h = heat transfer coefficient based on the total surface area, W=cm 2 K, Eq. (3) h fg = latent heat of vaporization, J=g P = thermal power removed, W q = dissipation heat flux based on the footprint area, W=cm 2 r = boiling resistance, K/W, Eq. (4) T = temperature, K T p = surface superheat, T w T p , K T sat = surface superheat, T w T sat , K T sub = liquid subcooling,T sat T p , K = surface inclination angle, deg = density, g=cm 3 = liquid surface tension, dyne/cm Subscripts CHF = critical heat flux ' = liquid NC = natural convection p = liquid pool sat = saturation v = vapor w = heat surface or footprint area