The main purpose of this paper was to review nanofluid applications as the main coolant of pressurized water reactors (PWRs) with both solid and dual‐cooled annular fuel. In this regard, first, theoretical and experimental models for calculating thermo‐physical properties of nanofluids including density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and heat transfer coefficient were reviewed and the effects of different variables such as particle volume concentration, particle size, shape, and temperature on these parameters were determined. In the following, research related to neutronic, thermal‐hydraulic, and safety investigations of nanofluids as the main coolant of PWRs with solid and dual‐cooled annular fuel were reviewed. Corresponding methods, codes, and results were discussed and compared. Based on studies, it was concluded that nanofluids' effects on key neutronic parameters (keff, neutron flux and radial and axial power peaking factor) depend on the used nanoparticle, volume concentration, and nanoparticle deposition on the cladding, while nanofluids can increase heat transfer, critical heat flux, and minimum departure from nuclear boiling ratio (MDNBR). Also, it was found that nanofluids with low volume concentration in reactor core with dual‐cooled annular fuel can replicate the same advantages. Furthermore, using dual‐cooled annular fuel instead of solid fuel increases MDNBR margin and reduces coolant flow which leads to a more compact design of the reactor core and a reduction of capital cost. Finally, incoming challenges and future works were presented.