Muscle group testedProcedure and measurement Modified V-sit Description and standard instructions: Participant is seated on the floor, with hands behind the back. Legs are kept straight and abducted at a 90 angle in relation to each other. The participant is then asked to: "lean forward, so that your forehead gets as close to the ground as possible without bending your knees". The vertical distance from mid-forehead is measured perpendicular to ground.Equipment: 150 cm tape measure
Proposed minimal standard: 21cmToe-touch test Description: Participant stands on a 35cm box, with feet together and knees fully extended.Participant is asked to: "reach down with fingertips as far as possible without bending the knees". If a participant is able to touch his toes with the tip of the third finger, a measurement of 0 cm is recorded. If not, the vertical distance from the tip of the third finger to top of the box is measured. 1 If a participant is able to reach past the level of the surface of the box, the distance from third fingertip to box surface is measured and recorded as a negative (-) measurement.Equipment: 150 cm tape measure and 35 cm box Proposed minimal standard: 0 cm to -8 cm Ankle dorsiflexion wall test Description: Tape measure is placed on the floor perpendicular to a vertical line drawn on the wall. The participant is asked to: "keep the heel of the test leg flat on the ground while lunging forward so that his knee touches the vertical line on the wall". The opposite leg can rest on the floor and participant can hold onto the wall for support. Maximum distance from wall to big toe is measured to the closest cm. 2 (Dennis et al, 2008) Equipment: 150 cm tape measure Proposed minimal standard: 12cm Ankle plantar flexion test Description:The participant is asked to: "sit with your bottom touching your heels while keeping both heels together and the dorsal (top) aspect of the feet and shin on the ground". If the participant is able to keep the dorsal aspect of the feet and ankle flat against the ground, the examiner marks "yes" on the score sheet. If not, the examiner marks "no".Equipment: 150 cm tape measure Proposed minimal standard: "yes" rating i.e. both ankles should be fully plantar flexed and dorsal aspect of the feet and ankles flat against the ground.
Combined prone shoulder elevationDescription: Participant lies in prone of floor with arms outstretched in front of him and forehead against the floor. Dowel is held in both hands. While wrists remain in neutral and forehead and chest remain flat on the ground, the participant is asked to: "raise the dowel as high as possible off the ground". Vertical distance (perpendicular to the ground) is measured from ground to the bottom of the dowel is measured to the nearest cm. 3 (Allen et al, 2017).