Electron distribution functions in nonthermal cold plasmas generated by classical electrical discharges have been calculated from a powerful Boltzmann equation solution and an original Monte Carlo simulation. In these two methods both classical (i.e. , elastic, inelastic, and superelastic) electron-atom (or molecule) collisions and electron-electron interactions are taken into account. The approximations considered to include long-range (electron-electron) and short-range (electron-atom) interactions in the same Monte Carlo algorithm are first validated by comparing with Boltzmann equation results. Then, the influence of electron-electron interactions on electron distribution functions, swarm parameters, and reaction rates under nonthermal cold plasma conditions are analyzed and discussed as a function of reduced electric field E/N and ionization degree n, /N for different atomic and molecular gases. PACS number(s): 52.20.Fs, 51.50.+v and time-dependentBoltzmann equation solution proposed in this paper is based on a stable and powerful numerical scheme. It is different from the classical scheme of Rockwood (used by numerous authors) since, due to the iterative nature of the present work scheme, there is no restriction for the treatment of any kind of collisions involving electrons (elastic, superelastic, inelastic, and also ionization stepwise or Penning ionization). Concerning the treatment of electron-electron interactions with