The Bookend technique is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic susceptibility contrast method that provides reliable quantitative measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV). The quantification is patient specific, is derived from a steady-state measurement of CBV, and is obtained from T 1 changes in the white matter and the blood pool after contrast agent injection. In the current implementation, the Bookend technique consists of three scanning steps requiring a cumulative scan time of 3 minutes 47 seconds, a well-trained technologist, and extra time for offline image reconstruction. We present an automation and acceleration of the multiscan Bookend protocol through a self-calibrating pulse sequence, namely Self-Calibrated Epi Perfusion-Weighted Imaging (SCALE-PWI). The SCALE-PWI is a single-shot echo-planar imaging pulse sequence with three modules and a total scan time of under 2 minutes. It provides the possibility of performing online, quantitative perfusion image reconstruction, which reduces the latency to obtain quantitative maps. A validation study in healthy volunteers (N = 19) showed excellent agreement between SCALE-PWI and the conventional Bookend protocol (P > 0.05 with Student's t-test, r = 0.95/slope = 0.98 for quantitative CBF, and r = 0.91/slope = 0.94 for quantitative CBV). A single MRI pulse sequence for absolute quantification of cerebral perfusion has been developed.