The kinetics of proton-coupled electron-transfer (pcet) reactions are reported for Mn 4O4(O2PPh2)6, 1, and [Mn4O4(O2PPh2)6] ؉ , 1 ؉ , with phenothiazine (pzH). Both pcet reactions form 1H, by H transfer to 1 and by hydride transfer to 1 ؉ . Surprisingly, the rate constants differ by only 25% despite large differences in the formal charges and driving force. The driving force is proportional to the difference in the bond-dissociation energies (BDE >94 kcal͞mol for homolytic, 1H 3 H ؉ 1, vs. Ϸ127 kcal͞ mol for heterolytic, 1H 3 H ؊ ؉ 1 ؉ , dissociation of the OOH bond in 1H). The enthalpy and entropy of activation for the homolytic reaction (⌬H ‡ ؍ ؊1.2 kcal͞mol and ⌬S ‡ ؍ ؊32 cal͞mol⅐K; 25-6.7°C) reveal a low activation barrier and an appreciable entropic penalty in the transition state. The rate-limiting step exhibits no H͞D kinetic isotope effect (k H͞kD ؍ 0.96) for the first H atom-transfer step and a small kinetic isotope effect (1.4) for the second step (1H ؉ pzH 3 1H 2 ؉ pz • ). These lines of evidence indicate that formation of a reactive precursor complex before atom transfer is rate-limiting (conformational gating), and that little or no NOH bond cleavage occurs in the transition state. H-atom transfer from pzH to alkyl, alkoxyl, and peroxyl radicals reveals that BDEs are not a good predictor of the rates of this reaction. Hydride transfer to 1 ؉ provides a concrete example of two-electron pcet that is hypothesized for the OOH bond cleavage step during catalysis of photosynthetic water energy ͉ manganese ͉ hydrogen atom transfer ͉ proton transfer ͉ kinetic isotope effect A tom-and ion-transfer reactions comprise a major class of chemical reactions found in biological systems, notably metabolic pathways (1-5). Reactions involving the net transfer of a hydrogen atom may be viewed in terms of two coupling limits with intermediate cases implicit (6): movement of a H atom between a donor͞acceptor pair vs. independent proton͞electron-transfer steps involving different electron and proton sites. As a class these are referred to as protoncoupled electron-transfer (pcet) processes (7).An example arises in the case of the water-oxidizing͞O 2 -evolving complex of photosynthesis [photosystem-II wateroxidizing complex (PSII-WOC)], which catalyzes the extraction of four electrons and four protons from two water molecules mediated by an inorganic core, Mn 4 O x Ca 1 Cl y , and a tyrosyl radical (8,9). Only a limited number of model Mn complexes having mononuclear (10, 11) or binuclear manganese-oxo cores have contributed to understanding the kinetic steps in pcet chemistry (3, 12). These and related studies led to different results with some systems following a pathway of initial H abstraction (3,13,14) [with large kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in the range of 30-40 (15)], in contrast to other cases that exhibited an electrochemical step followed by a proton-transfer step with minimal H͞D isotope effect (1, 16). Herein we report kinetics parameters for the initial pcet reaction between ...