Guided-ion beam study of the O 2 + +C 2 H 2 charge-transfer and chemical reaction channels J. Chem. Phys. 110, 4291 (1999) We have studied the potentially ionospherically significant reaction between N 2 2+ with O 2 using position-sensitive coincidence spectroscopy. We observe both nondissociative and dissociative electron transfer reactions as well as two channels involving the formation of NO + . The NO + product is formed together with either N + and O in one bond-forming channel or O + and N in the other bond-forming channel. Using the scattering diagrams derived from the coincidence data, it seems clear that both bond-forming reactions proceed via a collision complex ͓N 2 O 2 ͔ 2+ . This collision complex then decays by loss of a neutral atom to form a daughter dication ͑NO 2 2+ or N 2 O 2+ ͒, which then decays by charge separation to yield the observed products.