Stainless steel SS430 and carbon steel B450C were exposed for 30 days to the aqueous extract of sodium silicate-modified limestone-Portland cement as an alternative for the partial replacement of the Portland cement clinker. The initial pH of 12.60 was lowered and maintained at an average of 9.60, associated with air CO2 dissolution and acidification. As a result, the carbon steel lost its passive state, and the corrosion potential (OCP) reached a negative value of up to 296 mV, forming the corrosion layer of FeO, and FeOOH. In the meaning time, on the stainless steel SS430 surface, a passive layer of Cr2O3 grew in the presence of FeO, Fe2O3 and Cr(OH)3 corrosion products; thus, the OCP shifted to more positive values of +150 mV. It is suggested that a self-repassivation process took place on the SS430 surface due to the accumulation of alkaline sulfates on the interface. Because of the chloride attack, SS430 presented isolated pits, while on B450C, their area was extended. The quantitative analysis of EIS Nyquist and Bode diagrams revealed that the Rp of the corrosion process for SS430 was 2500 kΩcm2, ≈32 times lower in magnitude than on B450C, for which the passive layer tended to disappear, while that on SS430 was ≈0.82 nm.