Abstract. As the use of composites for high-performance structures for aerospace applications is constantly increasing, together with the complexity and scale of such structures, an increasingly effort is carried out for the development of advanced techniques for composites structural repair. Mechanical loads and environmental conditions often cause composite damages. If material damage is not extensive, structural repair is the most cost-effective solution. Composite patches can be mechanically fastened, adhesively bonded or co-cured. Bonding or co-curing process provides enhanced stress transfer mechanisms, joint efficiencies and aerodynamic performance. In this paper an innovative and reliable technique to repair damaged composite aeronautical components, named High Pressure Repair Dome (HPRD), is shown. The innovative aspect of this solution is the possibility to bond or co-cure a composite prepreg patch under a pressurized dome, thus using a prepreg compatible with the composite structure. HPRD was developed to allow in-situ repairing on full-scale structures, with the possibility of an accurate control of the parameters of the curing cycle. The advantages and performance of HPRD approach will be discussed and compared with traditional techniques, describing the results achieved and the activity on-course for the full industrialization of this system.