Over the years, the management of trauma has evolved from various forms of splinting circum mandibular wiring (R.J.Fonseca&R.V.Walker) extraoral pins, semi rigid fixation and trans-osseous wiring. This was followed by rigid fixation technique and more lately has given way to semi-rigid fixation with miniplates (Champy.M.et al) 3,10,11. The currently used conventional miniplates technique requires maxillomandibular fixation for a short period and unable to render three dimensional stability at the fracture site 2, 12. At times it is highly desirable to effect a method of fracture reduction which will provide rapid bone healing 18 , mechanical stability and obviates the use of inter-maxillary ligation. The three dimensional (3-D) miniplate system is one of the recent internal rigid fixations for the maxillomandibular surgery in years 8 .The three dimensional plating system is based (Farmand 1993) 9 on the principle of obtaining support through geometrically stable in the threedimensions of the fracture site since it offers good resistance against torque forces.