The tophus is the cardinal feature of advanced gout. This review summarises recent research into the biology, impact and treatment of tophaceous gout. Microscopically, tophi are chronic foreign body granuloma-like structures containing collections of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals surrounded by inflammatory cells and connective tissue. Extracellular trap formation mediated by neutrophil interactions with MSU crystals may be a central checkpoint in tophus formation. Gouty tophi impact on many aspects of health-related quality of life. Tophi are also implicated in the development of structural joint damage and increased mortality risk in people with gout. Effective treatment of tophaceous gout requires long-term urate-lowering therapy, ideally to achieve a serum urate concentration of <5 mg/dL (300 μmol/L). Recent advances in gout therapeutics have expanded urate-lowering therapy options for patients with severe tophaceous disease to allow faster regression of tophi, improved health-related quality of life and, potentially, improved structural outcomes.