family-My cohort members and faculty from SAAHE have been phenomenal sources of support in this process. Thank you for continuing to be in my life and showing me that Aggies are a family! I would especially like to thank Dr. Kelli Peck-Parrott for her support over the years. Be it meals at annual conferences or letters of recommendations, she has proven that she is invested in the professional that she helped to mold. For that, I thank you (and Gig 'Em)! To my Texas A&M University-Kingsville family-I would like to especially acknowledge Mary Gonzalez, current Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, and the staff of the Ronald E. McNair program at TAMUK. This program and the staff helped me to realize that I could earn a doctoral degree if I so chose. Thank you for keeping up with and checking in on me yearly to monitor my progress! Thank you to Dr. Tom Jackson, then Vice President for Student Affairs at TAMUK, for supporting me and serving as both my McNair and M/NUFP (NASPA (Minority) Undergraduate Fellows Program) mentor. Your guidance helped to incite my excitement for research and practice as an undergraduate. Go Hogs! So many have played important roles in supporting me through this process. My appreciation knows no bounds. Know that this process was challenging and at times isolating, but I was never alone. And for that, I thank you.