This study explores the intersection of digital creativity and ecolinguistics through an analysis of ecological
framings in the acclaimed video game Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (FF7R_inter). Given the rise of
ecocentric games during the COVID-19 pandemic, this research examines how FF7R_inter incorporates environmental themes and the
potential impact of these themes on players’ ecological awareness. Utilizing an ecolinguistic discourse analysis approach, the
study investigates the linguistic and multimodal resources used in the game to frame environmental issues such as fossil fuel
dependency and eco-terrorism from a multiversal inter-reality perspective. The findings reveal that FF7R_inter employs specific
rhetorical strategies, including differences in ecological framings and semantic choices, to convey ecological messages, thereby
contributing to the broader discourse on environmental sustainability in pop culture. This research highlights the significant
role that digital games can play in shaping public perceptions of environmental issues and underscores the importance of
integrating ecolinguistic perspectives into the analysis of digital media.