The ecosystems of the area are very fragile and are vulnerable to changes in the equilibrium between the human population and the environment. The impact of tourism poses a problem, particularly litter and the threat to resources such as cypress, which is attractive to collectors. Due to the changing climatic conditions, species such as Cupressus dupreziana are incapable of reproducing in their natural surroundings and will eventually become extinct unless conservation measures succeed. Pollution is affecting the mossformed travertine in the Guelta of Azarif (Kerzabi, 1986). STAFF 44 staff members including the director (Anon., 1986). OPNT has a director and research officer as well as wardens stationed at Djanet, Illizi, Zawatallaz and Iherir. The wardens act as guides and ensure that measures taken to protect archaeological sites and the fauna and flora are respected. BUDGET The OPNT is financially independent. Its budget allocation covers staff salaries, maintenance of a small fleet of vehicles and upkeep of a herd of camels and donkeys. Resources earmarked for conservation purposes are extremely limited and are devoted to documentation, purchase of essential equipment and the living expenses of experts on projects.