More than 390,000,000 pressed plant specimens are stored in the world's 3100 herbaria (Thiers, 2020). Collected over the past four centuries, herbarium specimens provide the most comprehensive view of Earth's vegetation and how it has changed over time. In most cases, herbarium specimens are used to document plant diversity (Heberling et al., 2019); however, they are now being applied to scientific efforts well beyond taxonomy and systematics, and in particular to global change biology. Millions of herbarium specimens were collected prior to the intensification of human influence on the planet, including the acceleration of climate change. The unique, long-term data preserved within herbarium collections can now help us understand the past and predict the future of global change (Heberling and Isaac, 2017; Meineke et al., 2018a, b, c;Lang et al., 2019).