proportional to the thickness of the target.In summary, the transmittance of the laser through a laser-produced high-Z thin plasma is larger than that through a low-Z plasma, and the maximum transmittance through the Ni foil of 2.5 |im thickness is larger than that through the 1.25-/1 m foil. The transmittance is related to energy transport through the rate of a plasma expansion. These experimental results indicate that the energy transport is due not only to super thermal electrons but also to x-ray radiation in a high-Z material. The simple theoretical calculations, based on the measurements of the electron temperature and reflectivity, qualitatively agree with the experimental conclusion.Doublet IIA 1,2 is a noncircular-cross-section tokamak which allows direct comparison of various plasma configurations in the same device. The ability to compare plasmas of different cross sections in the same device and within a few shots insures the same vacuum and wall conditions which are critical in tokamak operation. Detailed diagnostic measurements of the plasma properties of doublet, elliptic, and circular cross-section discharges have been performed. The measured plasma properties of the circular discharges are characteristic of those obtained in eontem- 27, 581 (1975). 4 B. Yaakobi, I. Pelah, and J. Hoose, Phys. Rev. Lett. _37, 836 (1976) 0 5 A. W. Ehler, J. Appl. Phys. 46, 2464 (1975). 6 The measurement of the angular distribution of scattered light has been reported by R. Sigel, K. Eidmann, H 0 C 0 Pant, and P. Sachsenmaier, Phys. Rev. . Because I < \ e and \ e cc $ RA> the heating ratio, A ef has no strong dependence on <£ RA . Then the estimate of $ s does not affect the qualitative features. Assuming the total reflectivity, $ s is twice as much as the value of our experiment, the ratio A e becomes 0o5% (4-jum CH 2 ), 2% (1.25-jtim Ni), and 3% (2.5-^m Ni), and is close to the value in the text, 7 See Haas, Ref. 6. 8 K. A. Brueckner, Nucl. Fusion JL6, 387 (1976). 9 J. P. Freidberg, R. W. Mitchell, R. L. Morse, and L. I. Rudsinski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 795 (1972). 10 K o A. Brueckner and S. Jorna, Rev. Mod. Phys. 46, 325 (1974). n Y. B. Zel'dovich and Y. P. Raizer, Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (Academic, New York, 1966), pp. 167, 260, and 279. 12 M. Co Marsh and P 0 C. Thompson, J. Phys. D j3, 383 (1975). porary circular-cross-section tokamaks of similar size and toroidal field strength. The measured energy confinement time and electron density for the circular discharge are in agreement with the scaling found by Daughney 3 and Murakami, 4 respectively. A comparison of elliptic and circular plasmas produced in Doublet IIA was reported earlier. 5 This Letter reports successful control of a doublet configuration by use of an active fie Id-shaping coil system. Measurements on doublet discharges are presented which show a significant increase in the electron density n e and Doublet plasmas have been produced in Doublet IIA using an active field-shaping coil system. Significan...