We review research on tourism and the environment using a temporal framework, distinct from previous reviews. We identify six main phases, all still active, but with different histories. Initially, tourism was treated as a low-impact component of transport and urban accommodation, and the focus was on recreation, ecology and visitor management in parks. Interest then turned to environmental management and corporate social responsibility: wastes, resources, and ecolabels. The third phase analysed positive economic contributions to conservation by a small number of tourism enterprises, principally through private reserves and park funding. The fourth focussed on climate change and carbon offsets, and the fifth on mental health and human capital. The sixth and newest phase is political. Tourism developers, industry associations, and lobbyists have stepped up their longstanding efforts to gain control of parks and protected areas, in order to profit from preferential access to public resources. These efforts now include international instruments as well as policies, practices, and legislation in individual countries. Tourism has become a catspaw for a new form of land grab by private wealth portfolios for high-value nature property. We draw attention to tourism development land grabs in public protected areas as a key priority for urgent research.