Citengah Village is one of the beautiful and exciting places in the Sumedang area that can be developed as a tourist destination. To achieve that goal, all preparations are required, including the English language skills of the children of Citengah elementary school. English learning at the elementary school level is one of the efforts to build qualified Indonesian people ready to compete globally. There are many obstacles found in English language learning in rural schools, such as student conditions, environment, and English teachers' competence. Therefore it is necessary to explain to students and teachers more accessible and fun methods of learning English. The implementation of English learning training consists of stages of introduction, learning, and evaluation. The introduction stage explained the importance of English language skills related to the development of tourism potential in Citengah and future challenges for millennials. At the learning stage, we begin to explain the existence of English as a language that should be seen as a culture and knowledge. At the evaluation stage, all students and teachers expressed delight with learning English that is not boring and helps to understand quickly. Complete Mastery of English includes four things: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Given an explanation of how fun methods of learning English such as viewing pictures, playing, storytelling and singing.