I consider the frame dependence of QCD bound states in the presence of a confining, spatially constant gluon field energy density. The states are quantized at equal time in A 0 = 0 (temporal) gauge. I derive the frame dependence of the wave functions, and demonstrate the Lorentz covariance of the electromagnetic (transition) form factors for states of any spin. The wave functions of J P C = 0 −+ states with CM momentum P = 0 are considered in some detail, verifying their local normalizability and the expected frame dependence of the bound state energy.
I. REMARKS ON BOUND STATESAtoms and hadrons are our primary examples of physical bound states. Their field theory (QED and QCD) description complements the methods of scattering amplitudes, but is not part of the standard QFT curriculum. Bound states are challenging, but the omission even of their general principles seems unwarranted.Analytic evaluations of Standard Model dynamics mainly rely on expansions in powers of the coupling. The lowest order term should provide an adequate first approximation of the full result. Scattering amplitudes reduce to free propagators at vanishing coupling, which defines the lowest order of the perturbative S-matrix.Bound state constituents interact at all times. Bound states are typically expanded around solutions of the Schrödinger or Bethe-Salpeter type equations. The choice of initial (non-perturbative) state affects its higher order perturbative corrections such that the full series (for physical quantities) is formally independent of the initial choice [1,2].Each order of a perturbative expansion must have Poincaré symmetry. The explicit covariance of Feynman diagrams is enabled by their free propagators. Bound states are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, which is frame dependent. Consequently bound state covariance is not fully explicit (kinetic), but also realized dynamically (through interactions). E.g., time translation invariance is ensured for eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, which includes interactions.In equal-time quantization the Hamiltonian commutes with space translations and rotations, but not with boosts. Bound state masses and quantum numbers can be determined in the rest frame [3][4][5][6], whereas bound state scattering involves moving states. The frame dependence of atoms is dynamic and non-trivial [7][8][9].Hamiltonians quantized at equal light-front (LF) time x + ≡ t + z commute with boosts [10,11]. Photons propagating in the negative z-direction interact at equal x + , making LF wave functions advantageous for describing form factors. Rotation symmetry is realized dynamically on the LF since x + depends on z. This complicates the determination of angular momentum (except J z ), and raises some delicate issues [12,13].