We consider the double functional nonparametric regression model Y = r(X)+ε, where the response variable Y is Hilbert space-valued and the covariate X takes values in a pseudometric space. The data satisfy an ergodicity criterion which dates back to Laib and Louani (2010) and are arranged in a triangular array. So our model also applies to samples obtained from spatial processes, e.g., stationary random fields indexed by the regular lattice Z N for some N ∈ N+.We consider a kernel estimator of the Nadaraya-Watson type for the regression operator r and study its limiting law which is a Gaussian operator on the Hilbert space. Moreover, we investigate both a naive and a wild bootstrap procedure in the double functional setting and demonstrate their asymptotic validity. This is quite useful as building confidence sets based on an asymptotic Gaussian distribution is often difficult.