Background and Purpose-Among subcortical infarctions, internal borderzone infarcts (IBI) are considered to be separate entities from perforating artery infarcts (PAI). The purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between the presence of IBI and the degree of angiographically defined internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis in symptomatic patients. Methods-A review of 1253 brain CTs from patients recruited by the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial was performed, using templates for the identification of subcortical and cortical vascular territories. Results-A total of 413 patients had visible ischemic lesions on the side ipsilateral to their symptomatic ICA. Of these, 138 had PAI, 108 had IBI, 122 had cortical infarcts, and 45 had a combination of different lesions. Mean (ϮSD) lesion diameter was larger for IBI (11.0Ϯ5.9 mm) than for PAI (7.1Ϯ4.7 mm) (PϽ0.001 for comparing 2 means). IBI was associated with higher degrees of ICA stenosis (PϽ0.001). Sixty-three percent of the patients with IBI had severe (70% to 99%) ICA stenosis compared with 42% of patients with PAI; 18% of the IBI patients had stenosis of 90% or more compared with 8% of the patients with PAI. Multiple logistic regression did not identify any patient characteristics as confounders.