IntroductionBoron (B) is very important for the healthy growth and development of grapevine (Fortunati, 2006). B plays an important role in sugar transport, cell differentiation, cell wall synthesis, root elongation, regulation of plant hormone levels, and generative growth of plants (Marschner, 1995). B deficiency symptoms include the root tips not elongating, inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis in young leaves (Salisbury and Ross, 1992), fruit sets containing grape bunches of abnormal varying sizes, and decreasing of berry setting (Cristensen et al., 2006;Fortunati, 2006).The uptake of B is affected by irrigation, and under drought stress, high rainfall, and intensive irrigation it could limit plant growth, especially in sand soils, with the ion being leached from the soil profile (Pearson and Goheen, 1998). B deficiency is widespread in highly calcareous soils with loose structure and low organic content, and in vineyards leached by low B irrigation water on sandy alluvial soil of granitic origin (Cook et al., 1960;Corino et al., 1990; Csikász-Krizsics and Diofási, 2007).The soils of northeastern Anatolia have low organic matter, high pH, high free lime content, and usually a fine texture. These properties affect the sufficiency of