resonances have been realized at visible and infrared wavelengths thanks to the mature lithographic processing of suitable materials, [4] such as silicon (Si), [5] gallium phosphide (GaP), [6] and titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ). [7] It would be desirable to extend the operation of these materials to the ultraviolet, but their small direct band gap energies (≲3 eV) lead to significant absorption losses in the ultraviolet. Wide band gap materials, such as niobium pentoxide [8] and hafnium oxide, [9] offer transparency in the ultraviolet but at the cost of a moderate refractive index (n ≈ 2.1−2.3). Diamond has been theoretically suggested as a potential material, [10,11] but comes with significant nanofabrication challenges. [12] The scarcity of available high-index materials with wide band gap energies calls for the identification of new materials which can advance the rich optical properties of Mie resonances observed in the visible to the ultraviolet. Concurrent advances in first-principles methodology and computing power have recently made it possible to design and discover new materials via high-throughput computations. [13][14][15][16][17] The approach has been successfully applied in several domains, including photovoltaics, transparent conductors, and photocatalysis. [18][19][20] However, to the best of our knowledge, computational discovery of new high-index materials remains largely unexplored. Relevant previous work in this direction has been limited to the static response regime [21,22] reflecting the fact that the major materials databases so far has focused on ground state properties.Here we use high-throughput linear response density functional theory (DFT) to screen an initial set of 2743 elementary and binary materials with the aim to identify isotropic highindex, low loss, and broad band optical materials. For the most promising materials, the computed frequency-dependent complex refractive indices are used as input for Mie scattering calculations to evaluate their optical performance. In addition to the already known high-index materials we identify several new compounds. In particular, boron phosphide (BP) offers a refractive index above three with very low absorption losses in a spectral range spanning from the infrared to the ultraviolet. We then prepare BP nanoparticles and show, by means of darkfield optical measurements and electron energy-loss spectroscopy, that they support size-dependent Mie resonances in the visible and ultraviolet. Finally, we demonstrate a laser reshaping Controlling ultraviolet light at the nanoscale using optical Mie resonances holds great promise for a diverse set of applications, such as lithography, sterilization, and biospectroscopy. Access to the ultraviolet requires materials with a high refractive index and wide band gap energy. Here, the authors systematically search for such materials by computing the frequency-dependent optical permittivity of 338 binary semiconductors and insulators from first principles, and evaluate their scattering properties using Mie theor...