“…Global distribution of boron mineral resources is highly uneven, with approximately 98% concentrated in a handful of countries, notably Turkey (88%), Russia (2.9%), the United States (2.9%), Chile (2.6%), and China (1.8%) [ 7 , 8 ]. Nature hosts approximately 230 types of boron minerals, yet only slightly more than 20 types of ore with B 2 O 3 contents higher than 12% (lower boron grades being associated with higher production costs)—such as borax, kernite, colemanite, ulexite, borborite, pandermite, hydroboracite, and szaibelyite—are used as raw materials for boron products [ 9 , 10 , 11 ]. In China, the predominant source of boron raw materials is the limited szaibelyite mineral resource, constituting only 6.64% of the total boron resources of the country [ 12 ].…”