It is possible to tune the scattering length for the collision of ultra-cold 1 S0 ground state alkaline-earth atoms using an optical Feshbach resonance. This is achieved with a laser far detuned from an excited molecular level near the frequency of the atomic intercombination 1 S0-3 P1 transition. Simple resonant scattering theory, illustrated by the example of 40 Ca, allows an estimate of the magnitude of the effect. Unlike alkali metal species, large changes of the scattering length are possible while atom loss remains small, because of the very narrow line width of the molecular photoassociation transition. This raises prospects for control of atomic interactions for a system without magnetically tunable Feshbach resonance levels.PACS numbers: 34.50. Rk, 34.10.+x, 32.80.Pj In recent years the ability to change the interaction between ultra-cold colliding atoms has opened the way for new and exciting experiments with ultra-cold atomic gases. The observation of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in atomic cesium [1] would have been impossible without the ability to change the interaction from being attractive to being repulsive. More impressively, time-varying interactions have allowed the creation of condensates of two-atom molecules starting from an atomic Bose condensate [2,3]. Most recently, the observation of the condensation of pairs of fermionic [4] atoms has started investigations into the so-called BEC-BCS crossover [5], where BCS is the abbreviation for the BardeenCooper-Schrieffer phase transition in a fermionic gas [6].The key to these developments has been the ability to change the interaction between atoms by a magnetically-tuned Feshbach resonance [7]. Theoretical discussion of the properties of these resonances can be found in Refs. [8,9,10,11]. The interaction between the atoms at ultra-cold temperature can be characterized by a single parameter, the scattering length [12,13], which can be controlled in sign and magnitude using these resonances.Another way to change the scattering length of two colliding atoms is to optically couple the ground scattering state with an excited bound state [14]. These optical Feshbach resonances are theoretically analyzed in Refs. [15,16] and implemented experimentally in Refs. [17,18]. The recent experiment of Theis et al. [18] with 87 Rb atoms showed, however, that a significant change of the scattering length is accompanied with substantial loss of atoms. The same is true if a twocolor Raman process is used [19].In this paper we discuss the optical tuning of scattering lengths in ultra-cold alkaline-earth atom vapors. To do so we will assume that the laser is far detuned from excited molecular states near the intercombination transition, 1 S 0 -3 P 1 , as recently analyzed in Ref. [20]. We show that significant changes of the scattering strength can be achieved without the excessive atom loss that plagues experiments with alkali-metal gases [18]. Prospects for an optically tuned scattering length in ultra-cold alkaline-earth vapors seems to be particularly a...