We analyze the physics of cold dipolar gases in quasi one-dimensional geometries, showing that the confinement-induced scattering resonances produced by the transversal trapping are crucially affected by the dipole-dipole interaction. As a consequence, the dipolar interaction may drastically change the properties of quasi-1D dipolar condensates, even for situations in which the dipolar interaction would be completely overwhelmed by the short-range interactions in a 3D environment.Low-dimensional ultra cold gases have recently attracted a major attention. One and two-dimensional gases are created in sufficiently strong optical lattices [1], or by means of magnetic wires [2]. Low-dimensionality leads to a very rich physics, highlighted by the recently observed Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D gases [3], the enhanced role of thermal and quantum phase fluctuations in elongated gases [4], and the realization of the Tonks-Girardeau regime of 1D bosons [5].The properties of quantum gases are crucially determined by the interparticle interactions. Current experiments typically involve particles at very low energies interacting via a short-range isotropic potential characterized by an s-wave scattering length a. The latter may be modified by means of scattering resonances induced by magnetic fields (Feshbach resonance) or by properly detuned lasers [6]. Interestingly, the scattering properties in quasi-1D (also in 2D [7]) may be crucially affected by the contrained geometry. In particular the transversal confinement can induce a novel resonance known as confinement-induced resonance (CIR) [8] To a very good approximation the combined effects of the short-range interactions and the DDI can be understood by means of a pseudopotential theory, which includes a contact interaction, characterized by a scattering length a, and the DDI itself [13,20]. However, the correct value of a is in general not that in absence of DDI, but the result of the scattering problem including both the short-range and the DDI potentials. Hence the DDI may affect the value of a, even very severely in the vicinity of the so-called shape resonances [13,20,21]. In addition, the combination of the DDI and the dressing of rotational excitations with static and microwave fields may allow for the engineering of novel types of interaction potentials for polar molecules in 2D geometries [22].In this Letter, we analyze the scattering properties of dipolar gases in quasi-1D geometries. By solving the corresponding scattering problem, including the short-range interaction, the DDI, and the trap potential, we obtain an effective 1D pseudopotential consisting of a contact interaction with an effective 1D coupling constant and a regularized dipolar potential. Similar as for the case without DDI we observe the appearance of a CIR, however the position of the CIR is crucially modified by the DDI. In particular, even for large values of a for which in a 3D environment the short-range interaction fully dominates the DDI, the latter can dramatically mod...