Using worm-type quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate bosonic mixtures on a triangular lattice of two species of bosons, which interact via nearest-neighbor intraspecies (V ) and on-site interspecies (U ) repulsions. For the case of symmetric hopping amplitude (t A /V = t B /V ) and U/V = 1, we determine a rich ground-state phase diagram that contains double-solid, double-superfluid, supersolid (SS), solid-superfluid (solid-SF), and counterflow supersolid (CSS) states. The SS, solid-SF, and CSS states exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking among the three sublattices of the triangular lattice and between the two species, which leads to a nonzero crystalline density wave order in each species. We, furthermore, show that the CSS and the SS states are present for t A /V = t B /V , and the latter even survives up to the t A /V → ∞ or t B /V → ∞ limit. The effects induced by the variation of U/V and by the imbalance of particle numbers of the two species are also explored.JIAN-PING LV, QING-HU CHEN, AND YOUJIN DENG PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 013628 (2014) where t A and t B are the hopping amplitudes, and V and U are the nearest-neighbor intraspecies and on-site interspecies repulsions, respectively. The symbols n A i = a † i a i and n B i = b † i b i are the particle-number operators. Due to the hard-core constraint, one has {a i ,