The b subunit dimer in the peripheral stator stalk of Escherichia coli ATP synthase is essential for enzyme assembly and the rotational catalytic mechanism. Recent protein chemical evidence revealed the dimerization domain of b to contain a novel two-stranded right-handed coiled coil with offset helices. Here, the existence of this structure in more complete constructs of b containing the C-terminal domain, and therefore capable of binding to the peripheral F 1 -ATPase, was supported by the more efficient formation of intersubunit disulfide bonds between cysteine residues that are proximal only in the offset arrangement and by the greater thermal stabilities of crosslinked heterodimers trapped in the offset configuration as opposed to homodimers with the helices trapped in-register. The process of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and bacteria, or photophosphorylation in chloroplasts, requires the enzyme F 1 F 0 -ATP synthase to utilize the energy of the transmembrane proton gradient for the production of ATP from ADP and P i . The enzyme functions as a molecular motor, with rotor and stator complexes consisting of subunits from both the membrane-peripheral F 1 and membrane-integral F 0 sectors of the protein. In the Escherichia coli enzyme, F 0 contains three subunits in an ab 2 c 10 stoichiometry, whereas F 1 has five subunits in the stoichiometry of ␣ 3  3 ␥␦⑀. The ␥⑀c 10 subunits compose the rotor, and b 2 ␦ forms the stator. As the rotor is driven by the passage of protons through a pore formed by the c and a subunits of F 0 , rotation of ␥ within the ␣ 3  3 hexamer of F 1 causes conformational changes in the catalytic nucleotidebinding sites located on the  subunits, promoting ATP synthesis and release. One function of the b 2 ␦ stator is to hold the ␣ 3  3 hexamer against the rotational torque, as otherwise ␣ 3  3 would simply turn with the rotor rather than undergoing the conformational changes associated with the formation and release of ATP. In anaerobic or facultative bacteria, the enzyme can function as a proton pump, hydrolyzing ATP to drive protons out of the cytoplasm, against the electrochemical gradient. For recent reviews see Refs.