Demographic bottlenecks that occur when populations fluctuate in size erode genetic diversity, but that diversity can be recovered through immigration. Connectivity among populations and habitat patches in the landscape enhances immigration and should in turn facilitate recovery of genetic diversity after a sudden reduction in population size. For the conservation of genetic diversity, it may therefore be particularly important to maintain connectivity in the face of factors that increase demographic instability, such as climate change. However, a direct link between connectivity and recovery of genetic diversity after a demographic bottleneck has not been clearly demonstrated in an empirical system. Here, we show that connectivity of habitat patches in the landscape contributes to the maintenance of genetic diversity after a demographic bottleneck. We were able to monitor genetic diversity in a network of populations of the alpine butterfly, Parnassius smintheus, before, during, and after a severe reduction in population size that lasted two generations. We found that allelic diversity in the network declined after the demographic bottleneck but that less allelic diversity was lost from populations occupying habitat patches with higher connectivity. Furthermore, the effect of connectivity on allelic diversity was important during the demographic recovery phase. Our results demonstrate directly the ability of connectivity to mediate the rescue of genetic diversity in a natural system. alpine butterfly | genetic diversity | demographic bottleneck | recovery | connectivity G enetic diversity represents the most fundamental level of biological diversity. Loss of genetic diversity is a central concern in conservation biology because populations with low genetic diversity may suffer from inbreeding and reduced fitness, lack the potential to adapt to future environmental change, and be more vulnerable to extinction (1, 2). Genetic diversity can be lost from populations through various mechanisms, with random drift in finite populations and demographic bottlenecks (temporary but severe reductions in population size), being of greatest relevance in conservation (3, 4).Immigration into a genetically impoverished population can rescue genetic diversity and can be achieved artificially through translocations or through natural movement of individuals (5, 6). Natural immigration requires connectivity within the landscape, where connectivity measures the extent to which movement and gene flow can occur among populations (7). Connectivity can be defined at the level of the landscape or individual habitat patches and is a function of structural elements of the landscape in combination with the movement behavior of individual species (7,8).There is considerable interest in managing landscapes to improve connectivity among natural populations as this provides a variety of ecological and genetic benefits (9), including the potential for natural genetic rescue. Correlations between connectivity and genetic diversity shown in numer...