Upon arrival of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, the C-complex asteroid (162173) Ryugu was found to be a spinning top-shaped rubble pile (Watanabe et al., 2019) with Cb-type spectrum and very low albedo around 0.045, consistent with thermally metamorphosed CM/CI meteorites (Sugita et al., 2019). Observations further show that a weak 2.7-μm absorption is present, suggesting a small amount of hydrated minerals exist on the surface (Kitazato et al., 2019). Furthermore, the surface was found to be dominated by blocks and boulders (Michikami et al., 2019; Sugita et al., 2019), and 50% of the surface is covered by boulders with diameters exceeding 0.5 m. A bulk density of 1,190 ± 20 kg m −3 was determined using the SFM20180804 shape model (Watanabe et al., 2019), which allowed for an estimate of asteroid porosity. Assuming typical grain densities for carbonaceous chondrites (