Results are obtained for the decay rate of ortho and para states and for the hyperfine structure of the dimuonic system µ + µ − (dimuonium). We calculate next-to-leading order radiative corrections. The decay rate is strongly influenced by the electronic vacuum polarization in the far time-like asymptotic region and thus allows for a test of QED in a previously unexplored kinematic regime.PACS numbers 12.20. Ds, 13.10.+q, 36.10.Dr, 31.30Jv The production of exotic atoms and their properties have been discussed in a number of recent publications (see e.g. [3][4][5][6]). Pionium, the bound system of a positive and a negative pion, has been observed in a beam target experiment with proton projectiles at the Serpukhov accelerator [6]. Atomic bound states were also observed in decay modes of certain particles, e.g. positronium can be formed in the π 0 → positronium + γ decay of the neutral pion [7], and the π µ atom can be produced in the reactionThe bound system consisting of two muons (dimuonium) can be produced in heavy nuclei inelastic scattering at high energies and in particle decays. The decay of the neutral η 0 meson into dimuonium has been investigated theoretically by L. Nemenov [9] (η 0 → dimuonium + γ). The formation of dimuonium in pion-proton collisions (π − + p → dimuonium + n) and by photons on nuclei (γ + Z → dimuonium + Z) has been discussed by S. Bilenkii et al. [10]. For the direct production of dimuonium in muon-antimuon collisions, experimental difficulties associated with slow muon beams would have to be overcome. Another possible pathway for the production of the system, which we do not discuss in any further detail here, is the e + e − -annihilation (near or above the µ threshold). Dimuonium, once produced, undergoes atomic decay (into energetically lower atomic states) and annihilation decay (into electrons and photons). Because the annihilation products are hard photons and relativistic electron-positron pairs, the decays could be investigated experimentally by established methods of particle physics.The lifetimes of low-lying S states in the dimuonic system lie in the 10 −12 s range. The decay products are hard photon pairs and relativistic electron-positron pairs, which can be easily detected. Because decay rate measurements can usually be performed with only a small number of events available, it is natural to begin the study of exotic systems with a detailed analysis of the decay channels and rates.In this Letter we obtain results for the decay rates of the n 3 S 1 ortho and the n 1 S 0 para states of the dimuonic system for n = 1 and n = 2. We evaluate radiative corrections in next-to-leading order. We analyze the hyperfine structure of the system and obtain results for n = 1 and n = 2 states.The name "dimuonium" was proposed by J. Malenfant for the bound system of two muons in his pioneering investigations on the system [1,2]. In analogy to positronium we speak of ortho-and paradimuonium. We observe that a precise measurement of the orthodimuonium decay rate would allow for sensiti...