A bound state in the continuum (BIC) is a localized state of an open structure with access to radiation channels, yet it remains highly confined with, in theory, infinite lifetime and quality factor. There have been many realizations of such exceptional states in dielectric systems without loss. However, realizing BICs in lossy systems such as those in plasmonics remains a challenge. In this Letter, we explore the possibility of realizing BICs in a hybrid plasmonic-photonic structure consisting of a plasmonic grating coupled to a dielectric optical waveguide with diverging radiative quality factors. The plasmonic-photonic system supports two distinct groups of BICs: symmetry protected BICs at the Γ-point and off-Γ Friedrich-Wintgen BICs. The photonic waveguide modes are strongly coupled to the gap plasmons in the grating leading to an avoided crossing behavior with a high value of Rabi splitting of 150 meV. Moreover, we show that the strong coupling significantly alters the band diagram of the hybrid system revealing opportunities for supporting stopped light at an off-Γ wide angular span.In 1929, von Neumann and Wigner predicted the existence of localized eigenstates of the single particle Schrödinger equation embedded in the continuum of eigenvalue state solutions, now known as embedded eigenstates or bound states in the continuum (BICs) [1]. Later, there have been many explanations for the formation mechanisms leading to the different types of BICs including symmetry-incompatibility [2-4], and destructive interference of resonances [5][6][7][8][9]. According to Friedrich and Wintgen, when two resonances pass each other as a function of a continuous parameter, the two channels interfere resulting in an avoided crossing of their resonances. Typically, at a given value of the continuous parameter, one of the channels vanishes entirely and hence becoming a BIC with an infinite quality (Q) factor [10]. With any perturbation in the ideal system, the BIC would collapse to a Fano resonance with a finite lifetime -a regime known as quasi-BIC [5,11]. Generally, practical realizations are limited to the quasi-BIC regime as, theoretically, true BICs can only be achieved in systems with at least one dimension extending to infinity [5].Another imperative regime is so-called "near-BIC" at which very high Q factors are still attainable in the vicinity of the BIC. These high-Q resonances can be explained using the Theory of Resonance Reactions by Fonda [12,13]; a bound state can exist in the continuum at an energy where some channels are open even when the open and closed channels are strongly coupled. If the actual Hamiltonian differs inconsiderably from the one which would produce such bound state, a sharp resonance arises in all scattering and reaction cross sections. Central advantages of the near-BIC regime are that, unlike regular guided modes below the light-line, the modes in this regime can be excited by free propagating plane waves. Moreover, near-BIC resonances can be obtained over an interval of the continuous para...