The existence of bound state of the polarizable neutral atom in the inverse square potential created by the electric field of a single walled charged carbon nanotube (SWNT) is shown to be theoretically possible. The consideration of inequivalent boundary conditions due to self-adjoint extensions lead to this nontrivial bound state solution. It is also shown that the scaling anomaly is responsible for the existence of such bound state. Binding of the polarizable atoms in the coupling constant interval η 2 ∈ [0, 1) may be responsible for the smearing of the edge of steps in quantized conductance, which has not been considered so far in the literature.PACS numbers: 03.65. Ge, 31.10.+z, Research activities in atomic and molecular physics [1, 2] is speeding up due to the advancement of laser cooling technique [3,4,5,6]. Substantial amount of people are engaged in devising suitable confining mechanism [7,8,9,10] for cold atoms and molecules so that it can be stored at a temperature down to nano-Kelvin. Among different schemes for trapping and storing cold atoms; magnetic trap, dipole trap, optical trap etc are important. Present day technology is well equipped to handle atoms and molecules at nano-Kelvin temperature. Study of different properties of these super cold neutral atoms or molecules in electric or magnetic fields, created by charged wire [11,12], current carrying conductor or by some other mechanism is now feasible.Quantized conductance(QC) [1] is one such important property, which is usually seen when atoms are moving in the neighborhood of a charged nanotube. QC is basically discrete quantum steps in the cross section for atom capture versus voltage of the thin wire. Since the steps result from the angular momentum quantization in the attractive inverse square potential experienced by the atom, it is also called "angular momentum quantum ladder". The edge of the steps are not infinitely sharp but a little bit smeared out [1]. This exotic behavior is usually attributed to the tunneling of the neutral atoms through the inverse square potential (η 2 − 1/4)/r 2 and happens near the value η = 0 of the coupling constant. This conclusion is based on the usual boundary condition that the wave-function is zero at the singularity. But we need further quantum mechanical investigation, because the peculiar nature of the inverse square potential in the interval η ∈ [0, 1) may give rise to bound state due to a nontrivial boundary condition which is known for a long time in mathematical physics.Quantum mechanical behavior of the inverse square potential is subtle [13] in the sense that it lies between 1/r n>2 and 1/r n<2 . It should be noted that for n > 2 usually there can not be any bound states and for n < 2 the potential is capable of forming bound states. Usually * Electronic address: a particle moving in inverse square potential does not form bound state or more specifically the system has negative infinite ground state in the region η 2 < 0 [14, 15]. It is however possible to form a sin...