Differential cross sections of the reactions (γ, π • π • ) and (γ, π • π +/− ) have been measured for several nuclei ( 1 H, 12 C, and nat Pb) at an incident-photon energy of Eγ =400-460 MeV at the taggedphoton facility at MAMI-B using the TAPS spectrometer. A significant nuclear-mass dependence of the ππ invariant-mass distribution is found in the π • π • channel. This dependence is not observed in the π • π +/− channel and is consistent with an in-medium modification of the ππ interaction in the I=J=0 channel. The data are compared to π-induced measurements and to calculations within a chiral-unitary approach.One of the challenges in nuclear physics is to study the properties of hadrons and the modification of these properties when the hadron is embedded in a nuclear manybody system. Although much has been learned about the properties of hadrons in free space, there is a lack of information for particles in a dense environment. In this Letter, an experiment is described which has measured correlated pion pairs photoproduced on nuclei in the scalar-isoscalar J=I=0 channel, also known as the σ mode. In Ref.[1] the σ meson is identified as the f 0 (400-1200). The large natural width in free space of Γ=400-500 MeV [2] makes it doubtful that this particle is a mesonic state, and has initiated many discussions on its nature. An in-medium study of the I=J=0 channel could provide a better insight into the nature of the σ meson.Within some theoretical approaches of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) [3,4,5], the σ is treated as a pure qq state (J P =0 + ) and regarded as the chiral partner of the pion (J P =0 − ). Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken in the QCD vacuum, resulting in a mass difference between the pion and the σ. For large baryon densities, it is predicted that chiral symmetry is partially restored, leading to a degeneracy in mass of the pion and the σ. Since the pion approximates a Goldstone boson, the pion mass is not expected to change dramatically with increasing nuclear density ρ. Hence, these models predict a significant drop in the mass of the σ. A measurement of the inmedium σ→ ππ mass distribution might be essential for the understanding of the mechanism of chiral-symmetry breaking.Alternatively, the in-medium σ mode can be considered to be a resonant state of two pions [6,7,8,9]. In vacuum, the ππ system is mildly attractive. However, in the nuclear medium the ππ interaction strength could increase, thereby changing width and pole position of the resonant state. Experimental data on the density dependence of pion-pair interactions in the nuclear medium can provide evidence for this phenomenon.The first measurement of the in-medium ππ mass was obtained by a pion-induced experiment by the CHAOS collaboration [10,11,12]. A rising accumulation of strength at low π + π − mass was observed with increasing nuclear mass whereas such an enhancement was not seen in the π + π + -mass distributions. This effect was interpreted as a signature for an in-medium modification of the ππ interaction in the I=J=0 chann...