Abstract. Question 2.6 of Bestvina's Questions in Geometric Group Theory asks whether every pair of boundaries of a given CAT(0) group G is cell-like equivalent [1]. The question was posed by Bestvina shortly after the discovery, by Croke and Kleiner [5], of a CAT(0) group Γ that admits multiple boundaries. Previously, it had been observed by Bestvina and Geoghegan that all boundaries of a torsion free CAT(0) G would necessarily have the same shape. Since "cell-like equivalence" is weaker than topological equivalence, but in most circumstances, stronger (and more intuitive) than shape equivalence, this question is a natural one when working with the pathological types of spaces that occur as group boundaries. Furthermore, the definition of cell-like equivalence allows for a obvious G-equivariant extension. In private conversations, Bestvina has indicated a preference for the G-equivariant formulation of Q2.6.In this paper we provide a positive answer to Bestvina's G-equivariant Cell-like Equivalence Question for the class of admissible groups studied by Croke and Kleiner in [5]. Since that collection includes the original Croke-Kleiner group Γ, our result provides a strong solution to Q2.6, for the group that originally motivated the question.In [8], we described a general strategy for attacking the following:Bestvina's Equivariant Cell-like Equivalence Question. For a CAT(0) group G, are all boundaries G-equivariantly cell-like equivalent?This question is a strong version of Q2.6 from Bestvina's Questions in Geometric Group Theory [1], where G-equivariance is not required. Both versions of the question were motivated by a desire to understand the now-famous example, due to Croke and Kleiner [5], of a CAT(0) group Γ that admits boundaries that are not topologically equivalent. Prior to the emergence of that example, it had been observed by both Bestvina and Geoghegan that all boundaries of a given CAT(0) group G would necessarily be shape equivalent. The point then is that, in the proper context, cell-like equivalence is a relationship more flexible than topological equivalence, but stronger than mere shape equivalence. In addition, by the nature of its definition, a celllike equivalence allows for a more direct comparison of the spaces involved. One of those ways is that an equivariance requirement can easily be added-a requirement that is obviously desireable in the context of group boundaries. (Definitions of all terms used in this paragraph will be discussed shortly.)In [6], Croke and Kleiner built upon their work in [5] by analyzing a collection of CAT(0) groups which they called admissible, and which we term Croke-Kleiner admissible (or CKA groups). The main result of this paper is the following.Theorem A. If G is a Croke-Kleiner admissible group, then all CAT(0) boundaries of G are G-equivariantly cell-like equivalent.Since the the original Croke-Kleiner group Γ is a CKA group, our most striking application is the corresponding:Corollary. All boundaries of the Croke-Kleiner group Γ are Γ-equivariantly cel...