In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission.Department of Mecl'itt.n.iCfrt EmflirveeriVyg
ABSTRACTThe concept of moving surface boundary-layer control, as applied to the Joukowsky and NACA airfoils, is investigated through a planned experimental program complemented by theoretical and flow visualization studies. The moving surface was provided by one or two rotating cylinders located at the leading edge, the trailing edge, or the top surface of the airfoil. Three carefully designed two-dimensional models, which provided a wide range of single and twin cylinder configurations, were tested at a subcritical Reynolds number (Re = 4.62 x 10 4 or Re -2.31 x 10 5 ) in a laminar-flow tunnel over a range of angles of attack and cylinder rotational speeds. The test results suggest that the concept is indeed quite promising and can provide a substantial increase in lift and a delay in stall.The leading-edge rotating cylinder effectively extends the lift curve without substantially affecting its slope. When used in conjunction with a second cylinder on the upper surface, further improvements in the maximum lift and stall angle are possible. The maximum coefficient of lift realized was around 2.22, approximately 2.6 times that of the base airfoil. The maximum delay in stall was to around 45°. In general, the performance improves with an increase in the ratio of cylinder surface speed (U c ) to the free stream speed (U). However, the additional benefit derived progressively diminishes with an increase in U c /U and becomes virtually negligible for U c /U > 5.There appears to be an optimum location for the leading-edge-cylinder. Tests with the cylinder at the upper side of the leading edge gave quite promising results.Although the Cx jmai obtained was a little lower than the two-cylinder configuration (1.95 against 2.22), it offers a major advantage in terms of mechanical simplicity.Performance of the leading-edge-cylinder also depends on its geometry. A scooped configuration appears to improve performance at lower values of U c /U (U c /U < 1).However, at higher rates of rotation the free stream is insensitive to the cylinder geometry and there is no particular advantage in using the scooped geometry.A rotating trailing-edge-cylinder affects the airfoil characteristics in a fundamentally different manner. In contrast to the leading-edge-cylinder, it acts as a flap by shifting the CL vs. a plots to the left thus increasing the lift coefficient at smaller angles of attack before stall. For example, at a = 4°, it changed the lift coefficient from 0.35 to 1.5, an increase ...