Summertime ozone in the Western United States presents a unique public health challenge. Changes in population, background ozone, wildland fire, and local precursor emissions combined with terrain-induced meteorology can affect surface ozone levels and compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). While there is considerable research on ozone in the Northern Front Range Metropolitan Area of Colorado, United States, less is known about the Southern Front Range. In Colorado Springs, approximately 100 km south of Denver, summertime maximum daily 8-h average (MDA8) ozone shows no significant (p < .05) trend at the 5th, 50th, or 95th percentile over the past 20 years. However, the region is at risk of nonattainment with the NAAQS based on observations from 2018 to 2020. From June through September 2018, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment measured hourly ozone at eight sites to characterize the spatial distribution of ozone in Colorado Springs. Mean ozone (±1σ) ranged from 34 ± 19 to 60 ± 9 ppb. The 95th percentile of hourly ozone increased approximately 1.1 ppb per 100 m of elevation, while the amplitudes of mean diurnal profiles decreased with elevation and distance from the interstate. MDA8 ozone was also highly correlated across all sites, and there is little evidence of local photochemical production or ozone transport from Denver. Further, results from generalized additive modeling show that summertime MDA8 in this region is strongly influenced by regional background air and wildfire, with smoke contributing an average of 4–5 ppb to the MDA8. Enhanced MDA8 values due to wildfires were especially pronounced in 2018 and 2020. Lastly, we find that the permanent monitoring sites represent the lower end of observed ozone in the region, suggesting that additional long-term monitoring for public health may be warranted in populated, higher elevation areas.