Abstract. We study the topological properties of a class of planar crystallographic replication tiles. Let M ∈ Z 2×2 be an expanding matrix with characteristic polynomial x 2 + Ax + B (A, B ∈ Z, B ≥ 2) and v ∈ Z 2 such that (v, M v) are linearly independent. Then the equationdefines a unique nonempty compact set T satisfying T o = T . Moreover, T tiles the plane by the crystallographic group p2 generated by the π-rotation and the translations by integer vectors. It was proved by Leung and Lau in the context of self-affine lattice tiles with collinear digit set that T ∪(−T ) is homeomorphic to a closed disk if and only if 2|A| < B + 3. However, this characterization does not hold anymore for T itself. In this paper, we completely characterize the tiles T of this class that are homeomorphic to a closed disk.