The half-infinite XXZ spin chain with a triangular boundary is considered in the massive regime.Two integral representations of correlation functions are proposed using bosonization. Sufficient conditions such that the expressions for triangular boundary conditions coincide with those for diagonal boundary conditions are identified. As an application, summation formulae of the boundary expectation values σ a 1 with a = z, ± are obtained. Exploiting the spin-reversal property, relations between n-fold integrals of elliptic theta functions are extracted.Beyond the Ising model, a large class of solvable lattice models have been discovered. In the context of quantum integrable systems on the lattice, spin chains are among the most studied examples with applications which range from condensed matter to high energy physics. Given a Hamiltonian, finding analytical expressions for the exact spectrum, identifying the structure of the space of the eigenvectors and deriving explicit expressions for correlation functions are essential steps in the non-perturbative characterization of the system's behavior which can be compared with experimental data.Among the simplest examples considered in the literature, the XXZ spin chain with different boundary conditions has received particular attention. Over the years, different approaches have been proposed in order to understand the Hamiltonian's spectral problem and derive the correlation functions. For models with periodic boundary conditions, the spectral problem can be handled by methods such as the Bethe ansatz (BA) [1], or the corner transfer matrix method (CTM) in the thermodynamic limit [2]. The computation of the correlation functions, however, is a much more difficult problem in general.Apart from the simplest example -namely the XXZ spin chain with periodic boundary condition -for which correlation functions have been proposed by the quantum inverse scattering method (QISM) [4,5] arising from the BA, the generalization of this result to models with higher symmetries requires a better understanding of mathematical structures, for instance, of determinant formulae of scalar products that involve the Bethe vectors [7] (see some recent progress in [8]). However, in the thermodynamic limit, this problem can be alternatively tackled using the q-vertex operator approach (VOA) [3] arising from the CTM. The space of states is identified with the irreducible highest weight representation of U q ( sl 2 ) or higher rank quantum algebras. Correlation functions can be obtained using bosonizations of the q-vertex operators for U q ( sl 2 ) or higher rank quantum algebras [3,9,10,11,12,13]. Either within the QISM or the VOA, correlation functions are obtained in the form of integrals of meromorphic functions in the thermodynamic limit. The situation for integrable spin chains with open boundaries is more difficult. On one hand, for the finite XXZ open chain with diagonal boundaries [14], related non-diagonal boundaries [15, 16] or q a root of unity [17], the BA makes it possible to deriv...