Grubb's symbol class of parameter-dependent pseudodifferential symbols of finite regularity on R n is shown to split into so-called weakly and strongly parameter-dependent symbols. For weakly parameter-dependent symbols the regularity is shown to have an interpretation as a polynomial weight in the space of homogeneous components. For a suitable sub-class of weakly parameter-dependent symbols we establish a complete pseudodifferential calculus with ellipticity that implies invertibilty of parameter-dependent operators for large values of the parameter. Combined with strongly parameterdependent symbols we obtain a refined calculus for operators of finite regularity, where ellipticity is also defined in case of vanishing regularity. Applications concern resolvents of pseudodifferential operators and parameter-dependent operators of Toeplitz type. PSEUDODIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS OF FINITE REGULARITY 5 with the modulus |y| outside some compact set. If y = (ξ, µ), we write shortly |ξ, µ| := |(ξ, µ)|, ξ, µ = (ξ, µ) , and [ξ, µ] := [(ξ, µ)].A 0-excision function on R m is a smooth function χ(y) that vanishes in a neighborhood of the origin and such that (1 − χ)(y) has compact support. Functions of the form (1 − χ)(y) are called cut-off functions.