We provide a simple explanation of complex magnetic patterns observed in ferromagnetic nanostructures. To this end we identify elementary topological defects in the field of magnetization: ordinary vortices in the bulk and vortices with half-integer winding numbers confined to the edge. Domain walls found in experiments and numerical simulations in strips and rings are composite objects containing two or more of the elementary defects.Topological defects [1,2] greatly influence the properties of materials by catalyzing or inhibiting the switching between differently ordered states. In ferromagnetic nanoparticles of various shapes (e.g. strips [3] and rings [4]), the switching process involves creation, propagation, and annihilation of domain walls with complex internal structure [5]. Here we show that these domain walls are composite objects made of two or more elementary defects: vortices with integer winding numbers (n = ±1) and edge defects with fractional winding numbers (n = ±1/2). The simplest domain walls are composed of two edge defects with opposite winding numbers. Creation and annihilation of the defects is constrained by conservation of a topological charge. This framework provides a basic understanding of the complex switching processes observed in ferromagnetic nanoparticles.In ferromagnets the competition between exchange and magnetic dipolar energies creates nonuniform patterns of magnetization in the ground state. Whereas the exchange energy favors a state with uniform magnetization, magnetic dipolar interactions align the vector of magnetization with the surface. In a large magnet a compromise is reached by the formation of uniformly magnetized domains separated by domain walls. In a nanomagnet magnetization varies continuously forming intricate yet highly reproducible textures, which include domain walls and vortices [5,6,7]. Numerical simulations [8, 9] reveal a rich internal structure and complex dynamics of these objects. For example, collisions of two domain walls can have drastically different outcomes: complete annihilation or formation of other stable textures [7]. These puzzling phenomena call for a theoretical explanation.An elementary picture of topological defects in nanomagnets with a planar geometry is presented in this Letter. It is suggested that the elementary defects are vortices with integer winding numbers and edge defects with half-integer winding numbers. All of the intricate textures, including the domain walls, are composite objects made of two or more elementary defects.For simplicity, we consider a ferromagnet without intrinsic anisotropy, which is a good approximation for permalloy. The magnetic energy consists of two parts: the exchange contribution A |∇m| d 3 r, wherê m = M/|M| is the unit vector pointing in the direction of magnetization M, and the magnetostatic energy (µ 0 /2) |H| 2 d 3 r. The magnetic field H is related to the magnetization through Maxwell's equations, ∇ × H = 0 and ∇ · (H + M) = 0. Apart from a few special cases (e.g. an ellipsoidal particle), f...