Abstract. A finite group G is coprimely-invariably generated if there exists a set of generators {g1, . . . , gu} of G with the property that the orders |g1|, . . . , |gu| are pairwise coprime and that for all x1, . . . , xu ∈ G the set {gWe show that if G is coprimely-invariably generated, then G can be generated with three elements, or two if G is soluble, and that G has zero presentation rank. As a corollary, we show that if G is any finite group such that no proper subgroup has the same exponent as G, then G has zero presentation rank. Furthermore, we show that every finite simple group is coprimely-invariably generated.Along the way, we show that for each finite simple group S, and for each partition π1, . . . , πu of the primes dividing |S|, the product of the number kπ i (S) of conjugacy classes of πi-elements satisfies