the problem of compacting tlie output data of large Th,is paper reconsiders the problem of the design of optimal Signature Registers f o r BIST applications, at the light of recent results. Daflerent strategies should in padicular be considered in. designing multiple-input an.d single-input registers. For multiple-input registers, aliasing minimization cannot be the only guiding criterion: it is iii fact shown that the perfonnan.ce of a register with regards t o a1iasiii.g depen.ds strongly on. the nature of the circuit under test and on ihe effects of the fault at its outputs. It is therefore preferable to choose a register that performs satisfactorily regardless of th.e circuid tested and of the tesi length chosen, i.e. a maximally reliable register. Registers based o n primitive feedback polynomials are idenhfied in this paper as the most reliable, in t e r m s of asyntptotic as well as transient behavior of the aliasing probability. T h e specific case of single-input shift-registers can be dealt with differently, as all single-oulput circirils are bound to provide esseiifinlly f h e same type of error distribution. I n ihis case registers can be found that can outperfonti prinailiae p o l y , o m inls. Regislers based o n Fire codes [with feedback polynoniinls of type (zo + l)&(z)) represen,l one such. class.Eventually, the impact of the testability of a circuit on aliasing is investigated. Better testability results in a more predictable behavior of aliasing, so that in practice the well-known asymptotic va/,ue 2 -k represents a n excellent approxim nt ion of th,e alias in g probability.