Let G be a p-group of maximal class and order p n . We determine whether of not the Bogomolov multiplier B 0 (G) is trivial in terms of the lower central series of G and P 1 = C G (γ 2 (G), γ 4 (G)). If in addition G has positive degree of commutativity and P 1 is metabelian, we show how understanding B 0 (G) reduces to the simpler commutator structure of P 1 . This result covers all p-groups of maximal class of large enough order and, furthermore, it allows us to give the first natural examples of p-groups with Bogomolov multiplier of arbitrarily high exponent. We also provide more general results on Bogomolov multipliers of p-groups of arbitrary coclass r. is in general negative, even when taking k = C. His approach was to use a certain Galois-cohomological invariant associated to the group G, namely, the unramified Brauer group. It was Bogomolov [3] who found a purely group-cohomological way of computing this invariant, now known as the Bogomolov multiplier and denoted by B 0 (G). This object represents an obstruction to Noether's problem, which has a negative answer for G provided that B 0 (G) is nontrivial.Recently, Moravec [22] introduced the curly exterior square G G, which is the group generated by the symbols x y for all pairs x, y ∈ G, subject to the relations xy z = (x y z y )(y z), x yz = (x z)(x z y z ), a b = 1, Date: October 31, 2018.