We present a hypothesis for the universal properties of operators evolving under Hamiltonian dynamics in many-body systems. The hypothesis states that successive Lanczos coefficients in the continued fraction expansion of the Green's functions grow linearly with rate α in generic systems, with an extra logarithmic correction in 1d. The rate α -an experimental observable -governs the exponential growth of operator complexity in a sense we make precise. This exponential growth prevails beyond semiclassical or large-N limits. Moreover, α upper bounds a large class of operator complexity measures, including the out-of-time-order correlator. As a result, we obtain a sharp bound on Lyapunov exponents λL ≤ 2α, which complements and improves the known universal low-temperature bound λL ≤ 2πT . We illustrate our results in paradigmatic examples such as non-integrable spin chains, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, and classical models. Finally we use the hypothesis in conjunction with the recursion method to develop a technique for computing diffusion constants.