Abstract. We show that every nonzero integer occurs in the denominator of a boundary slope for infinitely many (1,1)-knots and that infinitely many (1,1)-knots have boundary slopes of arbitrarily small difference. Specifically, we prove that for any integers m, n > 1 with n odd the exterior of the Montesinos knot K(−1/2, m/(2m±1), 1/n) in S 3 contains an essential surface with boundary slope r = 2(n − 1) 2 /n if m is even and 2(n + 1) 2 /n if m is odd. If n ≥ 4m + 1, we prove that K(−1/2, m/(2m + 1), 1/n) also has a boundary slope whose difference with r is (8m − 2)/(n 2 − 4mn + n), which decreases to 0 as n increases. All of these knots are (1,1)-knots.